Job Profile Basically in INDIA includes :-
1. Service
3.Application Engineer
- Clinical Application engineer
- Product Specialist
-Technical Application engineer
4.Quality Assurance (Management)
5.Marketing & Business Development
6. Research and Development (Very less in India)
Service :- It includes service of medical equipments,Installations,Maintenance-Calibration.
Service Job Profile requires knowledge mostly of Electronics,Circuit,PCB (On Work-bench) ,Clinical knowledge of how equipments is used and Technical aspects etc.
Service- Includes long distance Travelling
Multispeciality hospital includes Variety medical equipments in Operation Theatre,Intensive Care Unit (ICU),Neo-natal Intensive Care Unit (NICU),Dialysis,Catherization Laboratry (CATHLAB) and Many Such departments require Medical Equipments .
So,they Maintenance and Calibration and Service is Performed by Biomedical engineers.
A Ventilator Machines Service engineers has knowledge working Ventilator Circuit and all most as well as How different components that are in Machine Works like Pneumatic system,Modes,PCB units ,Filter ,Oxygen cell etc.
Same way, An engineer servicing Heart lung machine has knowledge about how machine is used During Surgery and also different components of machine like Roller pump for maintaining Blood pressure,Oxygenator workings as Lungs,Air Blender which Mixing Required Proportion of AIR & Oxygen,Heater Cooler for Maintening Temperature of Patient, Heart and Blood.
Heart Lung Consist of :-
1.Roller Pump
2.Oxygenator (works as lung )
3.Air Blender (For Correct Mixture of air and Oxygen )
4.Hemotherm (For Blood Temperature and Patient Temperature Regulation)
5.Patient Blanket attached with Heater Cooler machine (Hemotherm)
Heart Lung
Air Blender
Heater Cooler
Application Engineer :- To demonstrate to Doctor/Surgeon how to use Medical equipments.
Biomedical Engineers having Product Knowledge and Technical and Clinical part of How equipments needs to be used ,Provides Training to the Doctors and Nursing Staff.
Application - Includes long distance Travelling.
Cardiac Assist and Technical Parameter Application :-Application engineer role is not restricted only to Training and Demonstration but also in Some Other Division like Cardiac division which includes Implants and Surgeries. For e.g:- if Pacemaker is to be implanted so, for Pacemaker implants Doctor requires Lead Placement at proper Anatomical Position and Best Parameters to be achieved.So , Biomedical engineer working in Company Attends Implant and Assist surgeon for Lead Positioning while ,Seeing Fluorscopic and With the Pacemaker Programmer checking Required Parameters like Sensing,Threshold,Lead Impedance ,Current of Injury etc.
Parameters like :- Current of Injury,Sensing,Threshold,Lead Impedance etc.
Sales Representative :- To Convince Doctor to Buy,Negogiate,Demonstrate etc.
It is quite tough and Requires Field experience in order to Sale Product to Doctor.
Sales- Includes Travelling.
Quality Assurance :- It includes ISO - international Standards and Protocols to be followed.It includes Documentation,regulation as per Standards etc.
Quality assurance - does not include Travelling.
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